My Go-To Sneaky Work Out Routine (When I Really Don’t Have Time)

If you’re anything like me, you always feel like you’re pressed for time. That fitness class or bike ride or walk gets pushed to the bottom of the list and the day goes by and it doesn’t happen. Right?

And the same thing happens the next day.

But exercise and fitness routines are the most important part of a self care program! Read why here. So, after missing countless workouts and feeling down (and flabby) because of it, I’ve found a way to make time for an effective and fun workout that can be scheduled into any busy day.

Because it’s only 20 minutes! Everyone can spare 20 minutes a day – we just need to get in the habit of planning ahead. It’s totally do-able.

All you need is a pair of running shoes and your favourite exercise tee and leggings. You’re going to do a 20-minute fitness walk that incorporates a warm up, cool down, and some high intensity interval training (HIIT) in between. So easy!

HIIT is defined as short bursts of all out exertion, 20 seconds to one minute, going as hard as you can, then resting before going at it again. It’s been scientifically shown to be as effective for fitness and disease prevention as longer, gentler workouts.

So instead of feeling stressed because you don’t have an hour to go out and walk at lunchtime, take a 20 minute break and find the nearest hill (or flight of stairs). Use the walk/jog over as a 5 to 10 minute warm up. Power walk or run up the grade at the maximum speed you can muster, then walk or jog down for about 2 minutes, then repeat. Do this for up to 10 minutes, then walk/jog back to work to cool down. And you've got yourself an effective workout!

Here’s what I do:

Throw on my running gear and lace up my Nikes.

Jog or walk to a steep nearby hill (or set of stairs, if you really can’t get outside), which is several blocks long, and about 5 minutes away. Warm up done.

I then power up the hill, pumping my arms and keeping my posture erect (to work my bootie and quads), counting to 30 in my head. That’s about 2 city blocks.

Then I jog back to the bottom, breathing easily. And…repeat.

I do this alternating routine 4 or 5 times (depending on how much time I have).

Then jog back to work or home. Done!

Remember to drink lots of water when you’re back home or at your desk. And enjoy how re-energized and pumped you feel!


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